Bitcoin and Artificial Intelligence will combine to create a restricted currency union inside the United States. Bitcoin nation, made up of very wealthy owners of large plots of land and productive capacity, will need a US dollar reserve.
Bezos, Musk, and Branson have the intellectual and financial power to build a real, suborbital Elysium with funds from the US dollar reserve used to pay for use of America’s public rights-of-way.
Meanwhile, bitcoin will be bid up in terms of US dollars as the wealthy apply for membership in the uber exclusive club. The value of the coin will increase as the digital currency is produced as a result of AI solving the most complex questions faced by man.
For example, if you wish to lay claim to the only bitcoin that is encoded with a cure for cancer or the answer to “Who killed J.R.”, (Was that ever answered?) that coin will cost you a pretty digital penny.
The trend is always towards exclusivity. Why should artificial intelligence and bitcoin be any different? And that exclusivity will be permitted by law. Time to start drafting the legislation.
Alton Drew
26 January 2025